Samuel Hears From God
Scripture Reference : 1 Samuel 3:1-21

Hannah had prayed and asked God for a baby. She promised to give Samuel to God when was he was big enough.
They took him to Eli at the temple church. ‘Samuel can be your helper,’ they said. Samuel was a good boy
and he liked helping Eli.
One night Samuel was in his bed. God called Samuel’s name. Samuel sat up and looked around. ‘Eli must be
calling me,’ he said.

‘Eli I am here,’ said Samuel. ‘Do you want me?’ ‘No, Samuel, I didn’t call you.’ Samuel didn’t know it was God
calling his name.
He lay down in his bed and God called his name again. ‘Samuel.’ He ran straight to Eli. ‘I am here. I heard you calling me.’
Eli was tired and grumpy. ‘No, I did not call you! Get into bed, go to sleep. Stop waking me up.’
He heard his name again! Then Eli knew God was calling Samuel. ‘Next time,’ Eli said, ‘say, I am listening and
God will speak to you.’
So, Samuel listened. God called his name and talked to him. Samuel listened for God’s words and loved God all his life.
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