Moses And The Burning Bush

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This story about Moses is found in the Bible in the book of Exodus.

One ordinary day Moses was out in the field looking after a flock of sheep belonging to his father-in-law, Jethro
Moses led the flock through the desert to Mount Horeb, where there was plenty of good grass for the sheep to eat.

Moses And The Burning Bush
Moses and The Burning Bush|Illustrations Source: | LAMBSONGS ; |

Suddenly Moses saw something very strange in the distance. A green bush was on fire, but it was not burning up!

Moses was scared when he heard the voice of the Angel of God calling, ‘Moses, Moses’ from out of the bush. ‘I am here,’ he answered.

God said, ‘Take off your shoes! You are standing on Holy ground.’ So Moses took off his shoes and went closer to look at the burning bush.

Moses and The Burning Bush|Illustrations Source: | LAMBSONGS ; |

God told Moses that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He wanted Moses to go and tell Pharaoh to
stop making the Jews his slaves and let them go to a land God had promised for them.

Moses listened and obeyed when God called him to lead the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt, through the
wilderness, to the land He promised them.

Additional Resources

Below are complimentary activity sheets, to help illustrate and reinforce principles taught in this lesson

Shelf Wood
Shelf Wood
Shelf Wood


Content and Images Provided By:
Illustrations Source: | LAMBSONGS ; |

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